Narcissistic Abuse, Trauma & Addiction Recovery CoachingFREE CONSULTATION



Do I really need a Recovery Coach, can’t I just do it by myself?

Life coaching can take you above and beyond your own personal limitations. A Recovery Coach can offer an unbiased and objective perspective and can help you realize your patterns and habits. Most people experience that they are more efficient when working with a Professional Recovery Coach. Recovery Coaching will help you to complete your goals and will give you support and encouragement along the way

What Is a Recovery Coach?

A recovery coach acts as a partner in the recovery process.  Whether a client is in the downward spiral of addiction or already well into their recovery. A Recovery Coach will be with you during all stages of recovery by offering guidance, strength, and support.

A Recovery Coach’s responsibilities may include but are not limited to…

  • Working with the client and their family to find appropriate resources for initiating and maintaining recovery.
  • Minimize the obstacles to recovery by identifying challenges to and opportunities for long-term sobriety.
  • Offering support to the addicted individual and their families as they enter and progress through treatment and recovery.
  • Assist in post-treatment maintenance of sobriety by directing the recovering addict to appropriate resources and support systems.

What happens in a Recovery Coaching Session?

Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on individual needs. In the beginning, we will discuss what you are committed to accomplishing through our work together and we will begin to create a plan to achieve your goals. Periodically, we will do agreement activities to help direct your progress. We will work together to acknowledge obstacles, explore alternative strategies, and celebrate successes. With the conclusion of each session, we will revisit your goals and evaluate the next steps that are needed to achieve your recovery goals.