The Gospel + Recovery

September is National Recovery Month an observance held every September since 1989, its purpose is to educate and celebrate the progress made by those in recovery by reinforcing that prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover This year theme is Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections
One important connection and voice is Christ Center Recovery. There are many paths to recovery. People will choose their recovery pathway based on cultural values, socioeconomic status, psychological and behavioral. Additionally, the use and type of substance use. For example, when treating a chemical addiction treatment must include a medical component because of the risk of death during withdrawal.
Come to me all of you who are tired from heavy loads and I will give you rest Matthew 11:28
There is nothing heavier than carrying the weight of addiction. In addition to being a physical load. There is the emotional weight of shame, guilt, lies and secrets.
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 19.7 million Americans ages 12 and older are in a battle with addiction. Drug use and addictive behaviors cost American society more than $740 billion annually in lost workplace productivity. Healthcare expense and crime-related cost
There are many reasons why people start using substances that they eventually become addicted to? Some of the most common reasons are escape and self-medication, boredom, rebellion, other people, instant gratification, misinformation and popular media
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death Proverbs 16:2
Addiction is considered both physical disease and a disease of the flesh. Therefore, it must be treated physically and spiritually. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug-seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences and creates long-lasting changes in the brain. No one is born a full-blown drug addict, it is progressive
Stages of Addiction
- Experimentation
- Social/Regular Use
- Problem/Risky Use
- Dependency/Addiction
Interventions are effective during any of the stages however, when a person reaches the last stage of addiction, a comprehensive approach must be used
Be sober (well balanced and self-disciplined) be alert and cautious always. That enemy of ours, the devil, prowls in search of prey) around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (destroy completely). 1 Peter 5:8
One way that addiction has been described is baffling, impossible to understand. Cunning having or showing skill in achieving one’s end by deception (trickery). Insidious proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with dangerous effects
There are two types of addictions:
- Chemical Addiction refers to addiction that involves the use of substances Including but not limited to alcohol, drugs and food
- Behavioral Addiction that involves compulsive behaviors. These are persistent, repeated behaviors that do not involve the use of chemicals. Gambling, Shopping, Internet, Sex
Now that you know what, why, how of addiction. What a Better time to Begin Your Recovery Journey with The God Who Heals during National Recovery Month!