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A New Season Is Coming

Ecc3: 1 says to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.

We made it, we survived Winter. In a few days, it will be Spring, after that Summer. As the season changes, remember these six points:

1. Seasons change, it is not a sign that you are either a good or bad person.

When bad things happen, this is not a sign that YOU ARE A BAD PERSON, bad things are happening, and bad things happen to everybody.

Bad things happen to good people. When you get a chance, read about the life of Job. The Book of Job: Job 1-42, Job’s life was full of trauma and drama. Job had good seasons, but we only remember the bad seasons, when he lost everything during a terrible season of oppression and loss. Please do not assume that you are worse than others if you suffer loss or go through a trial. Remember no trial, no testimony.

2. Never let a season define who you are.

Never change what you believe according to what season you are in. People often make bad decisions in tough seasons. When you are in a challenging season, do not do too much. Easy does it, be careful how you interpret things in the tough seasons.

In the life of Joseph in the Book of Genesis 37-50, we see that his season of prosperity was preceded by pits and prison. Character is developed in the pits and prisons of life.

God is not a man that he should lie, God’s plans don’t change just because seasons do.

God’s plan for Joseph to be a great ruler never changed just because he was put in the pit or in prison.

God is always with you whether you are in a pit, prison, or a palace.

3. Most seasons are followed by opposite seasons.

We cannot control everything in life. There are a lot of things we cannot control.

Life has a way of showing up in ways we never expected. My thoughts are nothing like yours, says the Lord and my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.

KEEP YOUR DREAM IN YOUR HEART AT ALL TIMES. Do not give up your dreams because your circumstances appear to have turned toward failure.

4. We need to learn how to use every season as a stepping stone and build with it.

During our recovery, we may not understand the season we are in. There will be seasons when things are going well, and other times will be a transitional season full of incredible hardship and pain

5. Learn the lesson from every season

Every season has life lessons for us to learn.

What we are learning now will help us be wiser. Also consider that when we go through our seasons, it could be useful when I have a friend going through their seasons. The lessons we learn during our dark seasons allow us to give hope. So, don’t despair, God is with you.

6. Remember, God is in Every Season

Reflecting on the story of Joseph, The Lord was with him, blessed him, and favored him. There are seasons of joy and there are also seasons of pain.

We can be confident that God is working things out for our good no matter how things appear during our Healing Journey.

Enjoy Spring 2024, Keep Moving Forward!!!

©Wanda Currie

Vision of Recovery believes in a non-denominational Faith perspective on Wellness. We integrate biblically based beliefs with counseling and coaching interventions to treat the whole person—emotionally, physically, and spirit.


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