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Express Gratitude & Give Thanks

In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thessalonians 5:218 (AMP)

The fourth Thursday of November is celebrated by some as Thanksgiving. Instead of a once-a-year event, let us learn to be Grateful.

Gratitude is when you feel thankful for the good things in your life. This could be stuff people often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, and family.

Gratitude is taking a moment to reflect on how blessed you are when something good happens, whether it is something big or small. Making the practice of gratitude a regular part of your day can build happiness, improve self-esteem, and provide other health benefits.

Below ARE SOME Gratitude Exercises adapted from Therapist Aid, choose one or two of the exercises that you can add to daily rituals. This will help increase your ability to GIVE THANKS.

Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude Journal

Spend a few minutes writing down some good things about your day. This is not just about major events. You might be grateful for simple things, food, a safe place to live, having someone to talk to, or overcoming an obstacle.


Give thanks – prayer changes things. Express gratitude to the power that you consider to be a power greater than you. I thank God every day for my Healing Journey

Take Walks

Go for a walk, and while walking appreciate your surroundings. Do this by focusing on each of your senses, one at a time. Spend a minute just listening, a minute looking at what is around you. Try to notice the sights sounds, and smells, and try to be aware of things that you would normally miss, such as the birds, the sun, the trees, etc.

Gratitude Letter

Think about someone that you appreciate. This could be a person who has had a major impact on your life or someone you would like to thank. Write a letter that describes why you appreciate them including specific examples and details.

Gratitude Thinking

Remove yourself from distractions such as phones or TV and spend 5-10 minutes mentally reviewing the good things from your day. This exercise should be part of your daily self-care.

Gratitude Conversations

With another person, take turns listing 3 things you were grateful for throughout the day. Make this part of your routine by practicing before a meal, before bed, or at another regular time.

In conclusion, don’t let Thanksgiving be just a 1 day Holiday, let it be the beginning of a year-round Attitude of Gratitude!

Happy Thanksgiving & Be Grateful

©Wanda Currie

Vision of Recovery believes in and practices a non-denominational Christian perspective on Addiction Recovery/Mental Health Care. Vision of Recovery integrates biblically based information with coaching and counseling interventions to treat the whole person: Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically.

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